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We Love To Work & We Love Where We Work

We believe quality will follow if we do what we love, so we’ve seen that it happened again and again. Customers are really excited about our passion based services just because we concerned with quality products and long lasting customer relationship. We try to keep a promise that we’ll do and we do what we offer. ServerAdminz impart a great predominance to Employee empowerment, this is an essential function of our organization. As for the empowerment we provide special training programs and events to cultivate knowledge to act wisely. It’s inevitable for our employees to take right decisions at crucial situations. We provide 3-month free training program for most of our employees to make them learn new skills and make them suitable enough to handle situation amicably. Our highly skilled trainers persistently constant training to modulate employees to our desired concept.This makes us attain our core competence Our culture is expressed by way of values we uphold and those ethic we follow. ServerAdminz aims to build a strong business relation with all our clients by providing proper quality service at specified time, through these time span we had succeeded in building up a relatively strong and sustainable client base. In ServerAdminz we give a great priority towards health and safety of all our employees. Our employee welfare programs help our employees economically to cope up with various situation of life. Its through employees satisfaction and loyalty we found our road map to conquer success.

Our Location

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Core Infrastructure

  • Total work space of 7000+ sq feet
  • Situated in most secured IT Campus, Infopark. http://www.infopark.in/
  • Company located at Athulya Building which comes under Special Economic Zone of total build up area 3,50,000 sft.
  • Separate Campus for Training
  • Food Court, Mini Convention center & Multi Level Car Parking
  • 5000 sq feet Auditorium for seminars and events

Network Infrastructure

  • Two Leased Line Internet Connectivity with 50 Mbps backup broadband and wireless connection
  • Highly secured network infrastructure with Cyberroam hardware firewall
  • Best-of-breed router and server equipments


  • Entry to serverAdminz premises is restricted using biometric access control
  • Facility is under video surveillance 24×7
  • Client information is stored in the internal KB server which can be accessed only from private network


  • Power supply from dedicated substation provided by Infopark.
  • Uninterrupted power supply through dedicated 110 KV line from the Diesel Power Plant.
  • Fully redundant power and HVAC
  • Constant temperature and humidity monitoring
  • Fire-threat detection and suppression


  • Dedicated NOC Team for Server Monitoring
  • Dedicated Software Engineers for handling code level issue
  • 24/7/365 availability through Email, Live Chat, Skype and Phone.

Our Infrastructure