TCAdmin 2 is similar to other control panels like cPanel. However, it deals with game hosting, unlike web hosting. It is a strong panel for users to manage their servers. TCAdmin 2 has so many modules so that it helps the users to integrate it with their business. TCAdmin 2 panel enables users to configure it such as it enables them to use the billing functionality efficiently. It ensures full control over the servers they possess usually game servers.


Some of the integral features of TCAdmin 2 is as follow :

Ability to manage multiple servers
TCAdmin 2 enables users to have a single user id to manage ‘n’ number of serves from different locations.

  • Integration
    TCAdmin 2 can be integrated with WHMCS for better functionality and features. It can also be worked with FTP where users can access files via FTP.
  • Security
    TCAdmin 2 ensures secure communication. Encryption can be worked up properly.
  • Resource usage
    TCAdmin will monitor the memory usage for each server with proper analyzation of reports and graphs. Clients can also use this data to access their servers.
    TCAdmin will also take care of processor, network, disk and memory usage of the system.
    This reports can be extremely helpful for users to monitor the servers.
  • Automation
    One of the integral features of TCAdmin is its Automation. Automation can be set up which will help users to make use of the modules which will result in significant growth in their business.
    TCAdmin’s built-in integration module with WHMCS is one of the main highlights of TCAdmin.

Activation of the module

  • Go to Settings → Modules → Hosting Modules, find and activate the TCAdmin2 module.

Connecting HostBill with TCAdmin2

  • Go to Settings → Select, Apps then: Add new App
  • From Applications list, we have to select TCAdmin2
  • Enter:

Name: Edit the name of this connection
IP Address[IP address of the server]

  • Credentials have to be verified.
  • Save the changes and then Exit.

Integrating TCAdmin2 Product

  • In HostBill, go to Settings, then select: Products & Services, and Add go to new order page.
  • From Order Types, continue to other Services.
  • Enter order page name, select order page template to continue and then, save changes.
  • Add new product in the new order page to continue. Provide product name and set up the price and then save changes.
  • In the product configuration section, continue to connect with the app, select TCAdmin2 and App server created in previous steps.
  • We will be presented with the following configuration options and hence have to be completed.

Configuring Client Functions

In Products & Services → Order Page → Product → Client Functions. We can control what features customer will have access to in client portal, by clicking Enable/Disable next to the given option.

Use Edit option, to adjust function appears in the client portal upon the requirement.

For TCAdmin2, we can enable the following client functions dedicated to this module:

Start/Stop server: allow the customer to start/stop their TCAdmin Game server

TCAdmin needs attention in a number of standard client functions, such as

  • Change Billing Cycle
  • Change Label
  • Change Ownership
  • Edit Forms
  • Graphs
  • Login Details
  • Manual Service Renew
  • New Direct Link
  • Related Services
  • Service Auto Renewal


TCAdmin enables users to troubleshoot their issues within the Panel. The values can be sent to TCAdmin which `are saved in a log file <spanstyle=”color:blue”>/home/tcadmin/Logs/Web/BillingApi.LastCommand.log or C:\Program Files\TCAdmin2\Logs\Web\BillingApi.LastCommand.log

We have to make sure TCAdmin is configured with the correct values. The values that are to be created to a game server are game_id, game_slots, game_datacenter. If TCAdmin accepts the configuration values, a task will be planned and created. Users can monitor their tasks by going to System → General Settings → Scheduled Tasks. Also, can select the day view and click on the task to get more details on the same. Errors can be corrected and the task can be started again.

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