Telnet to yourmailserver at port 25 and issue all the following commands:
telnet hostname/ip 25
mail from:
rcpt to:
If you are getting the error “554 : Relay access denied” then the server is not an open Relay
If not Just pass the command “DATA” sfter the recipient and then enter the message ending with a period ie : “.”
If you get the reply “SUCCESS Relay Accepted – final response code 550″
Then as you feared your server is subjected to open relay and if not enjoy………. It is not
I hope your server is not open relay supporting, but if it is so, as it is a Cpanel Server you can stop it normally using the below scripts
/etc/rc.d/init.d/antirelayd restart
service exim restart
Thanks for the article. It was very informative.
I tried this but my server still works as open relay, when i run antirelayd i see:
tailwatchd is running.
restarted exim and still can send emails telneting port 25 from anywhere