I am on a 1Mbps BSNL broadband connection that gives unlimited free downloading from midnight 2AM to morning 8AM which I must confess I haven’t been utilizing till now. Sitting bored at home, I now need to download some movies (torrent, of course!) during these hours, thus making sure that I do it without the fear of any HUGE bill from my ISP by the end of the month.
The solution was simple: add the torrent(s) in Transmission and then create the below script, and then a crontab to run it during 2AM:
[vimal@vimal ~]$ vi /home/vimal/transmission_crontab.sh
#!/bin/bash args=("$@") if [ $args == "start" ] then export DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/transmission & exit 0 elif [ $args == "stop" ] then torrent_count=`transmission-remote --list 2>&1 | wc -l` if [ $torrent_count -gt 1 ] then torrent_count=$(($torrent_count-2)) for i in `seq 1 $torrent_count` do transmission-remote -t $i -S > /dev/null 2>&1 done fi fi[vimal@vimal ~]$ chmod +x /home/vimal/transmission_crontab.sh
Set a crontab to start it at 2AM, and pause downloads at 8AM:
[vimal@vimal ~]$ crontab -e
00 02 * * * /bin/sh /home/vimal/transmission_crontab.sh start
00 08 * * * /bin/sh /home/vimal/transmission_crontab.sh stop
Done! The torrents will get downloaded at 2AM while you sleep and stop by 8AM 🙂 I am not advocating torrents here, just a friendly reminder that download and use torrents at your own risk!!
Hats off to you, man…. 🙂