The popularity of Node.js is growing, and with it comes the question of where to host the apps. Plesk is a perfect choice if you are looking for a platform to deploy your node.js application. In this article, we are explaining how to host a node.js application in Plesk. Before we begin, let’s discuss some special features of Node.js.
Node.js Features
Node.js is a web framework, not a programming language. It’s more of a runtime environment for running JavaScript outside of the browser. Node.js isn’t even a framework (a platform for developing software applications). The Node.js runtime supports the execution of frameworks and is based on a programming language. The reason why Node.js work for both backend and frontend is because of its Reusability, Productivity, developer efficiency, and enhanced community. Some of the best features of Node.js are:
- Speed: Node.js becomes even faster and more efficient with the non-blocking thread execution.
- Cross-platform support: With Node.js’ cross-platform capabilities, you can construct SaaS websites, desktop programs, and even mobile apps.
- Comfortable to use: Node.js is a simple language to learn. It’s a great place to start if you’re new to web programming. Getting started is simple thanks to a wealth of tutorials and a vast community.
- Wide range of packages: A large number of open-source Node.js packages are available to make your work easier. In today’s NPM ecosystem, there are over one million packages.
Node.js in Plesk
Upload the code to the desired location
To host node.js application in Plesk, you must upload your application to the Plesk server before you can set up and launch it. That is, your Node.js application’s whole code must first be uploaded to the server. The built-in File Manager or an FTP client is the quickest way to upload your program. Using the Plesk Git plugin, we propose getting the application files straight from the repository. In Git, some of the application’s files are put in separate folders, as you can see. It is critical to keep this structure while uploading the program for it to execute properly. After you’ve uploaded the application files, you can move on to the next stage.
Node.js application configuration
→ To begin, get the node.js installer for your operating system. For this, log in to Plesk to do so.
→ Then, go to Websites & Domains, find the domain where your application will be hosted, and then click Node.js.
→ Here, you can choose the runtime environment version that will be utilized to run your program. If you’re not sure about the version of the runtime environment to use, you can ask your server management service provider.
At ServerAdminz, our Plesk server management service providers are available round the clock to assist organizations around the globe by providing best-in-class Plesk Support.
Install required packages
→ Now, choose the package manager you want to use to install the packages required for your application to execute. Plesk tries to figure out which package manager is best for your application, but you can override it by directly picking one. If you’re not sure which package manager to use, go with the one Plesk suggests or directly ask your Plesk support provider.
→ Pick the directory containing the static content files for the application. You can change the value of the NODE ENV environment variable next to Application Mode.
→ Generally, if your application is programmed to behave differently to multiple application modes, it simply alters how it functions. We recommend selecting Development until your application is ready to go live, at which point you should switch to Production.
→ Then, select the directory where you uploaded all of the application’s files and subdirectories next to Application Root.
→ Put the name of the file that begins the application next to the Application Startup File. Importantly, the starting file must be in the Application root folder. If you’re not sure which file it is and there isn’t one named ‘app.js’ among the ones you uploaded, contact the person or organization who gave you the application.
- Start your application
→ Firstly, log in to Plesk
→Then, navigate to Websites & Domains, locate the domain that hosts your application, and then select Node.js.
→ Now, Enable Node.js by clicking the button.
Access your application
Finally, to access your Node.js Application, return to Websites and Domains and select Node.js App. Finally, your program is now up and running. The Node.js runtime environment version has shown beneath the Node.js button on the domain card. Node.js in Plesk is a perfect choice if you are looking for a platform to host your Node.js application. In this article, we discussed how to host Node.js application in Plesk will help you in troubleshooting your Node.js is Plesk issues. Connect our server engineers if you need any further support.
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